URL: https://fe.desy.de/sites/site_fe/content/feb/support/@@siteview
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Service and Support
This section lists the fields of activities for which one can find some expertise within the group.
Circuit Design |
The circuit diagrams are designed with the MENTOR Graphics Software. It is used for |
Board Layout |
The circuit diagrams are converted to layouts using also the MENTOR Graphics Software |
Microcontrollers |
Preferable the ARM family is used. It is an architecture for different flavors of integrated periferals produced by different manufacturies. |
We use controllers with integrated field busses (CAN, RS232, Ethernet, TCP/IP). Contact:
We operate the controllers with two different operating systems: IAR and LINUX Contact:
Control Systems |
For the developed electronics software on PC's is developed to test the performance and support the tests of the production. |
LINUX, Scriping and C-programming by |
System Design |
Electronic boards will to be combined to instruments and complete systems: |
![]() EMV fuer Systeme - Alle Metallteile sind wichtig (Vortrag bei KITE 2015, Engineering day)
![]() Planned: EMI, current loops, fields
Systematic planning of EMI behaviour within an instrument
Peter Goettlicher, DESY
![]() EMV for experimental hutches at XFEL, May 3rd 2013
![]() Electromagnetic Noise and Grounding for TTF2, General Electrical Engineering
Prototype Construction |
Prototypes and small number of instruments are manufactured inside the group. This includes equipment of the PCB's, construction of the housing, cables and frontpanel design. Contact: