Service and Support

This section lists the fields of activities for which one can find some expertise within the group.

Circuit Design

The circuit diagrams are designed with the MENTOR Graphics Software. It is used for

  • Graphical input of the schematics,
  • PCB routing,
  • Simulation of analogue electronics and
  • simulation of system behaviour

Board Layout

The circuit diagrams are converted to layouts using also the MENTOR Graphics Software



Preferable the ARM family is used. It is an architecture for different flavors of integrated periferals produced by different manufacturies.

We use controllers with integrated field busses (CAN, RS232, Ethernet, TCP/IP).

We designs hardware around them and do pregramming for them.
We operate the controllers with two different operating systems: IAR and LINUX

Control Systems

For the developed electronics software on PC's is developed to test the performance and support the tests of the production.

Labview is used by

LINUX, Scriping and C-programming by

System Design

Electronic boards will to be combined to instruments and complete systems:

  • Integration to hard- and software of accelarators and experiments
  • Questions of grounding and EMC/SI
  • Trouble shooting caused by interference to other installations
application/pdf EMV fuer Systeme - Alle Metallteile sind wichtig (3.4 MB)
EMV fuer Systeme - Alle Metallteile sind wichtig (Vortrag bei KITE 2015, Engineering day)
application/pdf Planned: EMI, current loops, fields (4.5 MB)
Planned: EMI, current loops, fields
Systematic planning of EMI behaviour within an instrument
application/pdf EMV for experimental hutches at XFEL, May 3rd 2013 (837KB)
EMV for experimental hutches at XFEL, May 3rd 2013
application/pdf EMV, 2007, P.Göttlicher (268KB)
DCDC-converter - Phänomenologisch
application/pdf EMV, 2004, P.Göttlicher, (1.0 MB)
Electromagnetic Noise and Grounding for TTF2, General Electrical Engineering

Prototype Construction

Prototypes and small number of instruments are manufactured inside the group. This includes equipment of the PCB's, construction of the housing, cables and frontpanel design.
