Detector Development for Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS)

Project Goal:

Development of a high-rate, low-gain, integrating X-ray gas detector system for fast time-resolved diffraction experiments.

Project Status:

Finished in 2003

Project Partners:

Elettra Trieste, ESRF Grenoble, U. Siegen, Ing.-Büro W. Buttler (Essen), CLRC Daresbury

Anode structures (1280 electrodes at 150-micron pitch) in different technologies and hybrid interface circuit to be assembled with two 64-ch JAMEX readout ASICs.

Housing of the integrating detector system with anode structure. The Data-acquisition system will be placed in the remaining volume inside the housing.

Fully assembled integrating detector system with DAQ electronics. The system allows fast time-resolved SAXS on a sub-photon noise floor even at very high rates up to 10^12 photons/mm2/s.